Sitio Roseira Aerobic Fermentation


Grower: Virgínia Coutinho Aguiar Siqueira
Region: Cerrado Mineiro
Altitude: 950 MASL

Process: Natural Aerobic Fermentation


Cup Profile

 Honey, Floral, Raspberry and Green Apple.


more info below 👇👇👇


Grower: Leda Aparecida
Farm: Sitio Roseira
Region: Mantiqueira de Minas
Altitude: 1000 – 1200 meters

Process: Natural Aerobic Fermentation



Cup Profile

 Honey, Floral, Raspberry and Green Apple



The SITIO ROSEIRA is located in the community of Lambari, which lies to the south of Minas Gerais, in the Serra da Mantiqueira region.  With an average altitude of 1,200 meters, the mountainous terrain, and distinct climate, leads to favorable conditions for the production of specialty coffee.  The region encompasses a network of small scale coffee growers positioned along the mountain slopes.  Growers in this area have a strong community network and a clear focus on environmental growth and sustainability.  Through these practices, Serra da Mantiqueira is highly regarded for the production of rare and surprising coffees.


Leda and Jose’s property is proudly located in a region that holds the Perpetual Indication Seal – Mantiqueira de Minas granted by the National Institute of Industrial Property – INPI.  This affiliation guarantees the origin of the coffee.


Mantiqueira de Minas region is located in the southern part of Minas Gerais state, a region naturally gifted with unique conditions for the production of specialty coffees, with fertile soils, a predominance of sunlight and high elevations that vary between 900 and 1, 500 meters. An area with exceptional terroir, producing singular coffees that year after year are prized in renowned coffee quality competitions like the Cup of Excellence, it encompasses the municipalities of Cristina, Olímpio Noronha, Lambari, Santa Rita do Sapucaí, among others and apart from Mantiqueira itself.


Mantiqueira de Minas is part of the Serra da Mantiqueira micro-region, which comprises over 7,000 coffee growers with an estimated output of 1 million bags; the first in Brazil to obtain the Geographical Indication seal for coffee in 2011, which indicates that coffees produced in this region have unique qualities and features that are essentially attributed to their origin.


Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 18 × 12 × 6 cm

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